Tuesday, April 26, 2011

13 weeks

Went in for the nuchal translucency test where they test for downs. The numbers look good so far which is great. We have more testing during the 2nd trimester. But for now we get to enjoy the rare ultrasound photos.

(For now I'm just going to refer to our fetus as being a girl.)
Initially baby stickle was sleeping on her side with her butt and back facing us. I know, already mooning us. For the testing they need the fetus to lie on its back, so the technician tilted the table and pushed around on my belly. This woke baby stickle up and she started kicking and punching. It was pretty funny for my mom and I to watch. She did cooperate after a few minutes and the tech caught some great photos. Later the doc came in to take a look. At this point lil stickle was doing a head stand and kicking her legs about. Hmm, is this a sign? Do we know what we're in for?

Check out my hand!

Time to stretch!