Friday, August 12, 2011

Baby Shower on Aug. 6th, 2011

Baby Stickle is already a spoiled little "ba-boo!" (her nickname)
Her baby shower took place last Saturday at our house. It was wonderful as always to see all my girlfriends, aunts, and family once again. Lot's of prep, but everything seemed to come together. Really was a lot of fun! :) Thanks for all the generous gifts and to everyone that helped out!

Decorating onesies!

Pin the Sperm on the Egg!
Grandma Susan
Jessika, the winner!

Parker (10.5 mo) pretty much says it all.

28 Weeks!

Wow, I'm really bad at blogging!

Just went to my 28 week appointment and I'm measuring in 1 cm smaller, but well within normal ranges. Kyle is encouraging me to eat more, but I already feel like I eat all the time! :) Need to start counting how long it takes for baby Stickle to kick 10 times. Last night it only took her about 15 min, which I think is pretty fast. 
Kyle and I will be signing up for a birthing class in September. Should be pretty interesting to see Kyle participate. LOL