Monday, October 31, 2011

40 weeks this Wed.

Waiting, just keep waiting. Can you tell we're anxious to meet the little peanut? Her due date is Nov. 2nd so technically she's not late, but mommy and daddy want to meet her now. :) Let's see, I think I've tried everything in the books to try and convince her that it's better on this side of the womb...even a bit of jogging. Kyle spiked our dinner with spicy habanero peppers one night. Geez!

Last night Kyle and I went to a haunted house with Wendy, Cat, and Li in Sunnyvale. Much scarier than expected. Water did not break, but I think I peed in my pants. :) Today if I don't have signs of labor, we'll be handing candy out to the kiddies.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

38 weeks!

Today was our 38 week appointment. Little peanut has started to drop. I'm 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. Progress, but still could have a ways to go. She's in a good position. The doctor could actually touch her head! Was that TMI? :)

Here's a picture of Walter in one of his favorite spots.