Tuesday, July 24, 2012

First time on the swings

Oak Meadow Park at Vasona

Can't believe you're 8 1/2 months old and this is your first time on the swings! Bad mommy.

Kye checking on his brother.
Jen fully preggos!

Friday, July 20, 2012


8 1/2 months old

Geez, why didn't anyone show me this thing before! So much fun!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Swim Playdate at Sabra's

8 1/2 months old

Does anyone think it's super bright outside? Hey, where are you guys?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

CA Academy of Sciences

Thanks to Jessika for sharing her passes! We had fun visiting the 15 day old ostriches, rainforest area with butterflies, tropical birds, and mating dart frogs. The aquarium tube was pretty neat too.

15 day old ostriches

Poor guy.

Dart frogs mating. We said "piggy back ride."
Jessika, Jack, and Henry
Jen and Kye looking up at the aquarium tube.

I found a lego giraffe and wouldn't give it up.

kids play zone

wise owl

Is anyone paying attention to me?