Wednesday, June 15, 2011

18 weeks

On June 2nd, we went in for our 18 week ultrasound. This was Kyle's first time seeing her in real time kicking about. My mom and sister Wendy also joined us. The tech said she had to check 60 different parts.
Baby Stickle cooperated for the most part, but she was shy about showing us her feet. After poking at her, I think she had enough because she starting to turn around and it looked like she was trying to run away. She was probably annoyed, but it was really cute to watch. :) At one point she opened her mouth and her hand was in view. I think she was trying to suck her thumb! I was not a thumb sucker, but Kyle was! 

Here are some photos of her. Enjoy!

I think I can see her face. 
She's flexible!
I think she's trying to suck her thumb!

Butt and Legs

Looking away. I see her left hand and five fingers!

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