Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Belly Pics

Here are some pics of the belly in various stages. Today we're at 35 weeks. Will probably take a photo again at 36 weeks. I have gained about 25 lbs so far. She is moving around a lot, especially when I feel hungry. Most likely she's the one who's really hungry. :) Kyle and I think we've felt her foot or heel. She likes to wedge her feet under the right side of my ribs...not the most comfortable for mom.

Kyle and I went to an all day Birthing Class at Kaiser last Sunday. Much of the info was new to Kyle, and it was good review for me too. After watching the natural birth video Kyle mentioned that he might actually faint on the day of. Great. Pretty powerful visuals I must say. :)

18 weeks

22 weeks

24 weeks

29 weeks

33 weeks

1 comment:

  1. Love the belly shots! The watermelon comparison really helps :)

    Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to meet your little girl in person.
