Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Well hello there!  My name is Kate.  I'm in the middle of this amazing dream right now as you can see.  The owl allows me to write this email while I'm dreaming.  My parents are really busy right now and I was anxious to say hi to you, so I figured out how to do this all by myself :-)   

You see, I've been cramped up in my mom's tummy for 9 months.  I wanted to send you a little note to tell you about myself so when I'm awake and we're staring at each other, we are on the same page, okay?  

My full name is Kate Qilin Stickle.  How do you pronounce my middle name you ask?  It's easy, "chee-lin."  I was born 48 hours ago on my due date, November 2nd at 12:21am.  I weigh 7lb 3oz and am 20.5 inches long.  

I heard everything going on from the inside and let me tell you, things couldn't have gone any better.  For reals.  I'm new.  I don't know how to lie yet.  My mom did such an awesome job, I'm so proud of her.  She was calm and persevered through all of the hard bits.  She rocked it.  All of the pilates and yoga classes paid off big time.  I think she was only doing the real pushing thing for 1.5 hours.  I heard her entertaining the rest of the pit crew with her highly amusing questions, trying to master the most effective way to push during contractions.  I was laughing from the inside.  She takes good care of me.  I can already tell she's going to be a wonderful mom.  I sensed my dad standing by her side the entire time, comparing our progress to the rest of the mothers in labor next door.  I couldn't stop staring at him when I came out.  He loves me so much, I can already tell :-)  Oh and my Aunt Lisa delivered me!  She was the perfect coach for my mom and was clearly an expert in getting me out!    It was so special to be held by her as I came into this world.  So far, I am a  very calm and happy baby.  

If you want to see more of my journey, click on this link for pictures of me and my new family!

I have to get back to my dreams now.  I can't wait to meet all of you! 


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