Friday, March 16, 2012

4 1/2 months

 Kate is now about 4 1/2 months old. She is pretty entertaining these days. I like to put my phone on speaker mode. During this time she likes to speak to whomever is on the other line...over mommy's voice. Mostly vowels at this time, but I think the first consonant is coming soon. Daddy hopes it'll be "da da."

She is doing a lot of "tummy time" making her stronger. The pediatrician said she's in the 98% for weight (17 lbs. at 4 months) and it usually takes a little longer for the bigger kids to roll over despite her physical rolls. :) We've stopped recording her feeding quantities and just feed on demand. She doesn't care for formula but supplement a little here and there when necessary. I think we're down to 7 diapers a day now.

Kate loves to suck on her thumb and rarely takes a pacifier. I don't know if this is a blessing or not.

She discovered her fingers and hands a few weeks ago and now she's found her feet and "piggies." They are super sweaty and stink already. But they are super soft and callous free!

At the beginning of the week Kate started to arch her back allowing her to squirm and move more. She's strong enough to lift her shoulders and head up whenever at an inclined position. Now she likes to go from laying down to standing straight up with our help.

Kyle and I read her stories and have introduced her to puzzles. She likes Good Night Moon, Dr. Seuss, and Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See. Her favorite song is "Old MacDonald Had a Farm." She's actually liked this video on YouTube since she was about 1 month old. :) No joke. Whenever she has a melt down we play this video for her and it seems to calm her down.

She is starting to recognize her name when we say it across the room.

Thank you Melissa and Matt for the Little Einstein activity center. She loves it, along with the swing and papasan chair you gave her. We are truly thankful and our backs and arms thank you as well!

Love my Little Einstein activity center!

Puzzles! Do you like my bear outfit?


  1. Wow, can't believe she's sitting up already! And that is quite an elaborate activity center. Wish they made them for toddlers :) it would be great to keep Jack "contained". Aren't youtube videos great??

  2. Love the new blog look. Great job keeping up with the blogging. Kate is growing up fast.
